Monday- Present Atomic Models in class
Tuesday- Waves Notes
Wednesday- Finish notes; HW- Waves Practice problems
Thursday- Electron configuration notes
Friday- Quantum Chemistry notes
construct models using Dalton’s Postulates, Thomson’s discovery of electron properties, Rutherford’s nuclear atom, Bohr’s nuclear atom, and Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle to show the development of modern atomic theory over time;
Monday- Present Atomic Models in class
Tuesday- Waves Notes
Wednesday- Finish notes; HW- Waves Practice problems
Thursday- Electron configuration notes
Friday- Quantum Chemistry notes
Monday- Atomic Structure Practice
Tuesday- Review chapter 3- Atomic theory ad structure
Wednesday- TEST DAY!
Thursday- Start Dig into Atomic Models Project
Friday- Dig into Atomic Models Project (Due Monday)
Monday- Molar mass worksheet
Tuesday- Chapter 3 lessons 1-3 in the textbook with quiz
Wednesday- Atomic Candies Lab Activity.
Thursday- Atomic Theory Playlist- google slides assignment
Friday- Finish atomic theory playlist; Rutherford gold foil activity
Monday- No School
Tuesday- Separation of a Mixture LAB DAY (wear closed toed shoes)
Wednesday- Lab Report
Thursday- Atomic Theory Notes
Friday- Finish Notes and Edpuzzle assignment
Monday: Write in Lab journals for flames test.
Tuesday: Flames Test Lab
Wednesday: Write lab report for Flames test lab
Thursday:Practice waves equations
Friday: discuss quantum numbers
Monday- Section 3 review
Tuesday- Review for chapter 3 Test
Wednesday- Chapter 3 -Atoms Test Day!
Thursday- Test Corrections
Friday- Funky Chemist project
Monday: Notes on Chapter 3 – The Atom
Tuesday- Atoms PHET LAB
Wednesday- Important Chemist – Edpuzzle
Thursday- Atomic Theory Playlist
Friday- Finish Atomic Theory Playlist