Monday- Bond Breaker Journal entry
Tuesday- Bond Breaker LAB (Wear closed toed shoes)
Wednesday- Bond Breaker LAB REPORT- Due Wednesday Dec. 11th
Thursday-Covalent molecule naming Notes
Friday- Covalent bonding practice
Monday- Bond Breaker Journal entry
Tuesday- Bond Breaker LAB (Wear closed toed shoes)
Wednesday- Bond Breaker LAB REPORT- Due Wednesday Dec. 11th
Thursday-Covalent molecule naming Notes
Friday- Covalent bonding practice
Monday- No School
Tuesday- Review Chapter 5- the periodic Table and its Trends
Wednesday- TEST DAY!
Thursday- Ionic vs Covalent compounds Notes
Friday- Continue molecular compound notes
Monday- Review Chapter 4- Waves, electron Configurations and Quantum Theory
Tuesday-TEST DAY!!!
Wednesday- LAB write up
Thursday- Halloween LAB (wear closed toed shoes)
Friday- Finish answering questions from LAB
Monday- No School
Tuesday- Review Electron Configurations
Wednesday- Quantum Theory Book review and Quiz
Thursday-Review Waves equation
Friday- Quiz over waves and electron configuration
Monday- Flames Test Lab write up in journals
Tuesday- FLAMES TEST LAB– wear closed toed shoes and long pants
Wednesday- Flames test Lab report
Thursday- NO SCHOOL!
Friday- NO SCHOOL!
Monday- Present Atomic Models in class
Tuesday- Waves Notes
Wednesday- Finish notes; HW- Waves Practice problems
Thursday- Electron configuration notes
Friday- Quantum Chemistry notes
Monday- Atomic Structure Practice
Tuesday- Review chapter 3- Atomic theory ad structure
Wednesday- TEST DAY!
Thursday- Start Dig into Atomic Models Project
Friday- Dig into Atomic Models Project (Due Monday)
Monday- Molar mass worksheet
Tuesday- Chapter 3 lessons 1-3 in the textbook with quiz
Wednesday- Atomic Candies Lab Activity.
Thursday- Atomic Theory Playlist- google slides assignment
Friday- Finish atomic theory playlist; Rutherford gold foil activity
Monday- No School
Tuesday- Separation of a Mixture LAB DAY (wear closed toed shoes)
Wednesday- Lab Report
Thursday- Atomic Theory Notes
Friday- Finish Notes and Edpuzzle assignment
Monday- textbook chapter 2 lesson 1 review and quiz -States of Matter
Tuesday- Matter Categorizing activity
Wednesday-Review Chapter 2 -Matter
Thursday- TEST DAY!!!!
Friday- Lab write up in Lab journal- physical and chemical changes